In Libris Libertas- In Books (There Is) Freedom
Richard Kennedy a novelist, poet, philosopher and littérateur. His works include the anthology, House Of December, originally published in 1972, and his novels: Simon, The Dunning Of Harley Nesbit, and The Trip. His newest volume of verse, Love & Similar States Of Insanity, will be released in May of 2007, and his latest novel, The Encuentro, is due to be published by the end of the summer. In addition, he is also compiling a volume of essays, Broken Sparrows And Wild Duct Tape, and his philosophical treatise, Psychophysics: The Point Of Everything, will soon follow that. An honors graduate of the University of Houston, where he received the prestigious Houston Psychological Association’s Award For Excellence In Psychology upon graduation, he resides in Texas, and has a daughter, who lives in Maryland. Mr. Kennedy’s books are available in both paperback and hardcover.