The Trip

RICHARD DAVID KENNEDY, The Complete Works ABOUT  Simon The Dunning Of Harley Nesbit The Trip House Of December Love & Similar States Of Insanity The Encuentro (A Children's Story For Adults) Psychophysics: The Point Of Everything Broken Sparrows And Wild Duct Tape JUST LISTEN VALUED ARTISTIC LINKS The Broken Sparrow The Broken Sparrow Magazine- June, 2007 Sparrow- Page 2 FREE Subscribtion Ads Kennedy et al. (Blog) MULTIPLE AND VOLUME ORDERS GUEST BOOK CONTACT


A struggling novelist, who edits other writer's copy to make ends meet, goes to an island in the Mid-Atlantic to work on a "serious" book for a travel writer. What happens after that is anything but serious. He encounters an unbelievably bizzare and uproariously funny world of people and events.



 “...What a fantastic story!...An intricately orchestrated trip of surreal fantasy and humor. "Lindy C., USA (Poet)


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Here are but a few gifted "artists" who are deserving of wider recongnition...

Certamen bikini-suicidus-disci mox coepit? - Does the Bikini-Suicide-Frisbee match start soon?


       All of the dolphin people had exited the lobby and were already in the pool by the time we got to the front desk. There was only a young couple ahead of us, but the adjoining dining room, which was separated by a wall of glass and an open door, looked to be almost full. The sound of people crunching on something permeated the air. To a soul– man, woman and child, everyone was completely naked; their noses were crimped with clothes pins and all of their toenails were painted purple. The entrance door from the lobby was open. Fran-Fran and Kim didn't seem to notice, but I sure did. That being the case, I decided not to say anything, at least not right away, and focused instead on what everyone in the dining room was having for lunch. It was a buffet affair, but from my vantage point I couldn't see everything that was being offered. I did a glance at a number a plates at the tables, and from what I could tell the favorites of the day were heated cockle shells, freshly dried cow chips, rotting rutabagas, uncooked carrots, and ballast gravel, with a choice of either iced salt water or a variety of flavored fizzy slurpees.
       "...Can't wait till dinner!" I said to myself.
       Gradually it occurred to me that the wait was becoming more protracted than I had expected, and I wondered what the hold up was. I could hear people talking, but it seemed extremely muted. Kim was standing behind Fran-Fran, and I was behind her, so I couldn't see a thing. I may as well have been standing behind an Abrahams M-1. Not wishing to appear conspicuous or impolite, I took a short step to the right and then to the left. But each time I did, Kim turned around to smile hungrily at me, impeding my view with her basketball breasts. Even if I had been able to circumnavigate her Spaldings, it wouldn't have helped, because the couple ahead of us was standing side by side and leaning over precipitously and straightening back up alternatively. It looked like something out of an old Ernie Kovacks rerun.
       All of a sudden the couple at the desk stepped to one side and began to disrobe unabashedly.
       When they did we stepped forward to be greeted by a four inch ashen-faced corpse, who was himself totally nude and holding a tiny megaphone in his hand. It was difficult to tell, but he couldn't have been under eighty. His being hispid didn't help; neither did the miniature barong that was wedged in his head– in point of fact, he looked like something out of the quaternary.
       "...I bid you welcome to the Nose Pick, the class of the Mid-Atlantic!" he said, yelling into the megaphone.

Copyright © 2006, 2007 Richard D. Kennedy

All rights reserved under international copyright conventions. No part of the contents of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written consent of the author.

Credidi me felem vidisse! - I tought I taw a puddy tat!




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